Document Reference Terms
Company: All Vehicle Contracts Limited, AVC, the Company
You as an individual or your organisation: Client, Customer, you, your
A conflict of interest means any financial decision that is made that could be deemed as not being fair due to a possible influence from a related party, that could significantly impair the objectivity of an individual or create an unfair competitive advantage for any person or organisation.
If the Company’s interests conflict with those of a Client there is potential for Client detriment.
For example, with regard to recommendation or the supply to a Customer of a BMW via BMW London*, such potential conflicts should be declared by the Company representative in the following manner dependent upon the situation;
“I need to declare a conflict of interest - the Managing Director of BMW London is a friend of mine.” Or “Our Company has a shareholding interest in BMW London” or “Because our Company has an interest it may be deemed that we are advising you that due our close links with BMW London, this could have an adverse effect on the service we provide or recommend to our Customers.”
Our Company’s Conflict of Interest Policy is to disclose links with any group or organisation to our Clients that could possibly be seen to have an adverse effect when it comes to satisfying our Customers’ needs and/or the service AVC provides.
Provider relationships that may influence where business is placed could apply to (albeit not exclusively) either of the following:
1) The payment of higher commission rates, gifts or other incentives, that may relate to or influence the Company in placing your business with one provider where another provider could be more suitable for our Clients’ needs.
2) Situations where two or more of our Customers are involved within a transaction which could also result in conflict against each other.
The Company ensures that its services are fully independent and does not accept benefits that create ties to specific providers.
The Company documents any significant hospitality that may be received and all Company staff refer any incentives to senior Directors or management for approval where significant.
Should the Company deem that any of supplier or Client relationships may cause a Conflict of Interest, this is declared to the Client.
The Company has regular audits and reviews with regard our providers that flag up any instances that may be cause for a conflict of interest. In this event, they are investigated along with any other anomalies.
The Company’s staff are fully trained and aware of AVC’s policies and will ensure that Customers’ interests are put before any other considerations.
Should the Company deem any instant where there could be a possible conflict between Clients or suppliers, the Company will act impartially and make Clients aware of facts and situation in order that they can decide if they wish to continue with the Company’s services.
* BMW London for example purposes only
©2025 All Vehicle Contracts Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
All Vehicle Contracts Limited are authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority, our FCA Reference Number is 690140.
All Vehicle Contracts Limited are a credit broker not a lender.
Vehicle images shown are for illustration and guidance purposes only. All
offers are subject to change at any time and are subject to finance approval
and vehicle availability.
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